
my blog is too depressing – Christopher says.

So, let’s begin again with a happy subject. Christmas is just around the corner! There is now certainly no concern over whether it’s “still too early” to start bringing out the Buble (of the Michael variety) or deciding what to watch this evening is definitely “The Santa Clause”. I can get ready to Christmas music without feeling that judgemental rise of the cynic’s eyebrow.

I am very lucky in the fact Chris is just as Christmas crazy as I am…perhaps, if it’s possible, more so. There is nothing better than spending a Saturday blasting “Driving home for Christmas” on the way back from decoration shopping. In no way is that sad. Laugh if you will, but it just is ‘the most wonderful time of the year.’

If you haven’t been to walk around and see the lights in London or have a wander round Winter Wonderland, you are missing a trick. I’ve not been to a ‘proper’ Christmas market somewhere magical like Berlin, but I in no way feel that I have missed out. The atmosphere in Hyde Park is brilliant: packed market stalls; jostling crowds wrapped in coats, scarves and gloves; smells of waffles, pizza, hot chocolate, hog roast wafting through the winding lanes; music, lights and decorations. I love it!

This year I plan to be dressed properly too, which should further improve the experience. The last trip we made I mistakenly wore ballet shoes – yes, no socks. Despite my best efforts, I did have to complain a little that I couldn’t feel my toes for the majority of the way around. “Moan, moan, moan,” I can hear Chris even now…Since we have booked to ice-skate this year, no socks would be a very big mistake.

The count down to the end of term begins officially. Three weeks and counting!


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