In Her shoes

The diary of a twenty-something teacher.


I believe that the most interesting thing about people is all the mundane, everyday stuff that we all experience routinely.

Breakfast, hair-style, clothes, work, family, shoes, love, dreams, washing, cats…whatever. It is all wonderful to sit and observe.

I’ve just found yet another prime example of my naivety.

Up until about 2 minutes ago I always believed the word “voyeur” to describe someone who liked to sit and observe goings-on. As such I was about to call myself one.

Since, happily, before I did so I researched and discovered the word actually has a slightly more edgy meaning, I will no longer be referring to myself as voyeuristic. An easy mistake to make. Who knew.

This is not that kind of blog. Sorry.

For want of something more relevant to me, I am going to fill this video hole with a Christmas classic.

It's almost that time of year again!

You just can't beat Buddy's innocent, slightly deranged enthusiasm for Christmas. Only utter Scrooges dislike this film. So there.